
Poster for the single release Odio Creciente (Growing Hate), from the colombian death metal band Own Flesh.


The poster is a design tool used to promote products, and in this case, it was used to announce the release of the single ‘Odio Creciente.’ The illustration created for the cover art became the centerpiece of the poster, featuring an androgynous character who materializes their hatred into creatures emerging from within, illustrated in a grotesque horror style. This allows for a visceral vision of what the song evokes.

El póster es una herramienta del diseño para promocionar productos en este caso el lanzamiento del single “Odio Creciente”, para este se utilizó la ilustración creada para el cover art donde se creó un personaje anodrogino que materializa su odio en criaturas que emergen de él, ilustrando al estilo de horror grotesco, permite una visión visceral de lo que evoca la canción.